Miele & Cie. KG Carl-Miele-Straße 29 D-33332 Gütersloh
P.O. Box 33325 Gütersloh
Phone 05241 89-0 Fax 05241 892090
Email: info@miele.de
Corporate structure: Limited partnership (KG) with headquarters in Gütersloh, Register court Gütersloh, HRA [commercial registry] 3268
Personally liable partners: Miele Verwaltungs-GmbH, Gütersloh, register court Gütersloh, HRB [commercial registry] 1325 Zinkann Verwaltungs-GmbH, Gütersloh, register court Gütersloh, HRB [commercial registry] 1324
Executive Directors: Olaf Bartsch, Dr. Stefan Breit, Dr. Axel Kniehl, Stefan Koss, Dr. Markus Miele, Rebecca Steinhage, Dr. Reinhard Zinkann
An Online Dispute Resolution website managed by the European Commission has been set up which is dedicated to helping consumers and traders resolve their disputes out-of-court. To access this website please go to http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
Sales tax ID no.: DE126784329
© Copyright of all Miele websites and Internet services is held by Miele & Cie. KG.