The eventing of the Miele 3rd Party API is based on the concept of Server-Sent-Events (SSE).
The API supports two event types:
All Appliances events - If any of the connected appliances changes it state, an event will be sent.
The All Appliances Events subscription will return the content of a GET /devices request.
All Appliances Events
curl \
-H "Accept:text/event-stream" -H "Accept-Language: {language_code}" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
Appliance Events - If one connected appliances changes its state, an event will be sent.
The Appliance Event will return the content of a GET /devices/deviceId
Appliances Events
curl{deviceId}/events \
-H "Accept:text/event-stream" -H "Accept-Language: {language_code}" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}>"