Welcome to the Miele Supplier Portal

Management made easier

Authorised Miele suppliers have access to our orders and demands via the operational procurement portal.

Upon prior agreement, our orders and demands can also be made available as lists and/or downloadable documents in the portal.


All your options at a glance

  • Analytical outlooks for you from the SAP system
  • Retrieve detailed control parameters from our production system
  • Receive orders and demands as lists and downloadable documents

Please note: For downloading CAD data, please use the specific link to our Windows Sharepoint Service sent to you via email. Access to this service is not publicly available on our website!


Become a supplier

You are not one of our suppliers yet? Have we made you curious about how you can work together with us to take advantage of the many benefits and solutions presented? Then why not submit an application with us immediately?

Apply now to become a Miele supplier


If you have any problems or questions regarding the operational procurement portal, please contact us under: procurement-hotline@miele.de



We have put together all the materials, instructions and more that you need for your daily business.

Supplier download section